Tuesday, October 21, 2008


For essay number 3 I have chosen 3 articles that will help me to support my point of view on the effects of rap and heavy metal on teenagers. The first article is from the WebMD Health News and it involves a study that is related to my topic. It will be very usefull to my essay because it can help to provide support to the counterargument. Another article that I have found is from HealthDay Reporter. This is also another article that will help support my counterargument. It will also help with my regular argument because it supports my point of view on the topic. The last article that I found is called Effect on Mood Aggression, Suicide, Drug Use and Intelligence. This article gives both sides of my argument, the counterargument and my view on it. This will be very useful. I apologize for not having the website addresses I can not use the internet.

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