Monday, September 22, 2008


I believe that cell phones should be allowed in school as long as they are on silent. If there is a test being taken, only then should cell phones be banned. Two sources that I could use for this topic are and These sources provide a lot of information on the pros and cons of having cell phones in classrooms. If I were to write an essay about this topic, these sources would help to prove my position on cell phones being allowed in schools with certain exceptions. The sources give reliable information and are credible.

1 comment:

Ms. Leone said...


When you talk about cell phones in schools, what particular context would you be arguing? For example, do you mean that everyone should have a cell phone and they should be turned on but on silent mode? Should cell phones be turned on with audio ring? Should high school students be allowed to carry cell phones? Or, are you intending this argument to be focused on college students?

If you can frame the issue into a debatable argument, then it would be appropriate.