Tuesday, September 23, 2008


In the reading “Children Need to Play, Not Compete”, the author, Jessica Statsky, feels that children between the ages 6 and 12 shouldn’t be in sports because of the risk of getting injured. The author of “Sticks and Stones and Sports Team Names”. Richard Estrada, feels that the name’s of certain professional sports teams are “highlighting ethnicity”.
Statsky uses statistics and quotes to support her position. A quote that the author uses is “I’ve seen children enjoying a spontaneous pre-practice scrimmage become somber and serious when the coach’s whistle blows” (paragraph 5). This illustrates the author’s support of her thesis and gives an example to her first reason, “competitive sports pose psychological dangers for children”. Estrada uses examples of different professional sports teams to support his position on “highlighting ethnicity”. The author uses sports teams such as the Cleveland Indians, the Kansas City Chiefs, the Redskins, and a few others.

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