Wednesday, September 3, 2008


While reading “The Perfect Crime?” I saw that there were a few traits. The essay presents college course traits. The author obviously researched a lot on the subject as shown by the great detail and the cited books he acknowledged. He has a great thesis statement and numerous facts to support it. Explaining peer-to-peer file sharing was a very smart idea because it showed the reader what it was and how to do it. The writer also shows at one point the similarities and differences between what his main point is and what the opposing positions points are. The author wrote with very distinct college course essay traits and it made for a wonderful essay.
These traits that the author portrayed are important to the essay to inform the reader. Without knowing what the author’s point of view on the subject is, the reader would not know what he or she is being persuaded to believe and would not be interested in the work. Also, without the cited works, the reader could not think that the essay is credible. The author wrote many supporting details in his essay which contribute greatly to the essay because it explains why he feels so strongly about the subject. This essay was well written and very argumentative.

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